Welcome to my blog!!

I have so enjoyed FB and blogging. I love reading others, friends, and younger people who are so good with words. It is my prayer that I be a servant to others. To lead them to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ is of chief importance to me. My work at the Cancer Center gave me many opportunities to do just that; the center was part of a Catholic institution that had ...."in the Spirit of Jesus Christ"..... in the Mission Statement. God gave me a boldness like never before. I also love journal keeping. I have several. The one I am currently using will run out before Dec. 31. I love it; it has a photo of the four grandchildren, Peyton, Paige, Reese, and Sully on it. Plus a Christmas greeting on the inside page. I keep sermon notes and daily stuff on those pages. Mike said, "Do you ever go back and read what you write?" Answer YES. Regularly.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

2011 not my favorite year!

Great is Thy faithfulness, Oh God my Father~ When I look back at my 2011 journal, it makes me very sad. Mike and I took off on Jan 3 for a month in Anna Maria Island, on the gulf side in Florida. Thanks to Skype, I was able to see the kids. As a matter of fact, I saw Sully on Jan 10 when his momma skyped me. But late morning Jan 11, deep, overwhelming sadness took over our lives. Sully and stopped breathing at the babysitters. EMTs could not revive him. God had taken Sullivan Conner Reese home to be with Him. Even now when I write this, I have to shake my head in disbelief. Mike started packing. Right prior to the news of Sully, we heard that my brother-in-law John Thornsbrough had been in a bad car accident and was critical with head injuries. I must stop now. This is all I can write at this time. Pray for our family, please.

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