Welcome to my blog!!

I have so enjoyed FB and blogging. I love reading others, friends, and younger people who are so good with words. It is my prayer that I be a servant to others. To lead them to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ is of chief importance to me. My work at the Cancer Center gave me many opportunities to do just that; the center was part of a Catholic institution that had ...."in the Spirit of Jesus Christ"..... in the Mission Statement. God gave me a boldness like never before. I also love journal keeping. I have several. The one I am currently using will run out before Dec. 31. I love it; it has a photo of the four grandchildren, Peyton, Paige, Reese, and Sully on it. Plus a Christmas greeting on the inside page. I keep sermon notes and daily stuff on those pages. Mike said, "Do you ever go back and read what you write?" Answer YES. Regularly.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy First Birthday Reese

Great is Thy faithfulness, Oh God my Father~ This little girl is a joy to be around. She is so LOUD, and funny, and curious. She pretty much has all of us wrapped, if you know what I mean. Bottom pic is of Reese and Poppa, him giving her a chocolate cookie for the first time! Don't be alarmed. He gave Paige her first pickle!!During this Thanksgiving season, our family feels so very blessed to have healthy happy children and a great love for each other. I am so thankful to God for His provision for us. A smart policeman son-in-law, two professional medical personnel daughters, a hubby who can make anything with his hands, and it turns out gorgeous, and dare I say grandchildren who have captured my heart. To Peyton, Paige, Reese, and Sully, Grammy loves you soooo much.

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